First ques one paragraph was given.4 or 5 ques were based on it. Next was converting direct to indirect and vice versa. 3 analogies 2 phrases and some few ques which I don?t remember This section was simple,read the ques fast otherwise u ll nt hv time to do other ques. For preparations,go through R.S.Agarwal?s Verbal and Non verbal book(only verbal section for getting an idea).No need of go through GRE Barrons. U can manage this section easily.
APTITUDE-20 Ques One
sum based on finding the no.(the ques was like find the 5 digit no where 3rd no less than last no,2nd no less than last no by 2?..n some more details ) One ques on time and distance(using the formula 2xy/x+y) One ques on boats and streams. 3 ques paragraphs based,3 diff paras,the ques was to find wat the para is abt. 2 ques on coding and decoding. One ques was like 28 black socks n 28 white socks are there in a drawer,find the least no to times to get a pair matched socks. One ques on number series. 2 ques on coding and decoding. 2 Ques based on conditions. One ques on time n distance(the ques was like boy,girl n dog are walking at ? km,after sometime they ride in a bicycle including dog,boy and girl walk at speed,find the speed of all the 3) Another ques on numbers(1st no. was 1/3rd the third,2nd no. is twice the 1st,ans.369) Last ques on trains(a train crosses a railway platform,what must be considered ans.length of the train and lengh of platform) This section was easy but ques were big.I took lot of time reading and doing this section,PLz don?t do that,try to finish fast. For preparations refer R.S.Agarwal?s Quantitative Aptitude n Verbal book.See all the topics in Quantz bk,Try to cover examples n have a clear understanding abt the concepts.Prev papers were not useful.
Unfortunately I didn?t hv time to read all ques n I marked a or c last minute. The ques I read was iphone was first manufactured by ans.APPLE.then one ques on array,one ques on binary conversion and another on Which of these is nt social networking sites. I prepared only from prev ques papers,for non-it branches,cut off ll be less so don?t worry abt this section. 1163 students appeared for apti,only 512 students cleared it. TECHNICAL INTERVIEW Many students were rejected in the tech interview.I was lucky that I was asked only from my Area of interest.
My interview was like this
ME: Good Afternoon sir.
INT: Hmmm,gv ur resume.
ME: Yes sir(I gav him)
INT: Uma I dn?t know anything abt u,can u tell me abt urself?
ME: I am Uma from ECE department.My aggregate is 76 %.All my academic details are given in my cv.I am an optimistic,organized ambitious and straight
forward person. i'm very much self-motivated.My hobbies are Painting,Numismatics,Reading novels,Embroidery,blogging and surfing the net.I do yoga regularly to be physically fit.
INT: Oh k,Ur area of interest is Microprocessor 8085,Can u draw the architecture of 8085?
ME: Yes sure sir.I don?t hv a pen can u gv me.He gave me pen n paper n I finished it
INT:Ok,Can u tell me abt interrupts.
ME:I told abt RST 5.5,RST6.5,RST7.5 n TRAP
INT: Tell me wat r they?
ME:RST 5.5 n RST 6.5 are level sensitive. RST 7.5 is edge triggering. TRAP is RST 4.5 n non-maskable interrupts Explained abt maskable n non-maskable interrupts. Then explained abt vectored n non-vectored interrupts. Then explained abt software and hardware interrupts.
INT: (he was impressed)He asked me do u hv any ques?
ME: I said no ques,thank u.
INT: What no ques huh?
ME: What is CMMilevel5 in Wipro?
INT: He explained me in detail.
ME: I asked some clarifications in between.
INT:Any other ques?
ME:Why six sigma is present only in wipro and nt in other companies.
INT:He explained me.
ME:I listened attentively n said ok.
INT:Any more ques.
ME:No sir,thank u.
INT:Ok,Fill this HR form uma.
ME:Thank u very much,Thank u very much sir.(I was very happy n excited) 512 students appeared for tech interview,only 253 students cleared the tech interview.Be cool n confident.U need to prepare a lot for this tech interview. HR INTERVIEW After completing the form,I submitted the form and was waiting for HR interview.Then my name was called.I went inside and interviewer asked me ? Take ur seat?
ME: Gud evening sir
INT: Gud evening uma,Tell me abt urself?
ME: told
INT: wht is ur father?
ME: told
INT: Why Sathyabama?
ME: told
INT: Did u try any other institutions other than sathyabama?
ME: no
ME: told
INT: Hw ll electronics contribute to software?
ME: I told abt microprocessor chips
INT: think beyond this?
ME: In wat exactly sir?
INT: Abt embedded systems
ME: told abt trends n applns
INT: Can u tell in commn?
ME: told abt wireless applns,WAN,LAN
INT: wht is roerich academy?(He saw my hr form)
ME: told
INT: do u any comp lang?
ME: yes sir,C,C++
INT: hw do learn? In coll or outside?
ME: In coll,during 1st sem,had c,3rd sem c++,5th sem data structures.am keeping a track of it through ebooks n library books.
INT:ok,here job is nt from 9 to 5 like other companies,it may get very late,hw do ur parents react to it?
ME: they r supportive,am also flexible n if I call them n tell am late they ll understand the situation.
INT: Why ur sem marks r in 70s whereas in skl u scored in 80s
ME: Sir in 3rd sem I secured nly 65% I was nt planned tht was my mistake n then gradually improved in other sems so der is no looking back.
INT: ok,any arrears,is dis ur 1st campus interview?
ME: no arrears,yes my 1st interview sir.
INT: k,do u know abt bond?r u comfortable?
ME: yes sir.
INT: gud uma.
First ques one paragraph was given.4 or 5 ques were based on it. Next was converting direct to indirect and vice versa. 3 analogies 2 phrases and some few ques which I don?t remember This section was simple,read the ques fast otherwise u ll nt hv time to do other ques. For preparations,go through R.S.Agarwal?s Verbal and Non verbal book(only verbal section for getting an idea).No need of go through GRE Barrons. U can manage this section easily.
APTITUDE-20 Ques One
sum based on finding the no.(the ques was like find the 5 digit no where 3rd no less than last no,2nd no less than last no by 2?..n some more details ) One ques on time and distance(using the formula 2xy/x+y) One ques on boats and streams. 3 ques paragraphs based,3 diff paras,the ques was to find wat the para is abt. 2 ques on coding and decoding. One ques was like 28 black socks n 28 white socks are there in a drawer,find the least no to times to get a pair matched socks. One ques on number series. 2 ques on coding and decoding. 2 Ques based on conditions. One ques on time n distance(the ques was like boy,girl n dog are walking at ? km,after sometime they ride in a bicycle including dog,boy and girl walk at speed,find the speed of all the 3) Another ques on numbers(1st no. was 1/3rd the third,2nd no. is twice the 1st,ans.369) Last ques on trains(a train crosses a railway platform,what must be considered ans.length of the train and lengh of platform) This section was easy but ques were big.I took lot of time reading and doing this section,PLz don?t do that,try to finish fast. For preparations refer R.S.Agarwal?s Quantitative Aptitude n Verbal book.See all the topics in Quantz bk,Try to cover examples n have a clear understanding abt the concepts.Prev papers were not useful.
Unfortunately I didn?t hv time to read all ques n I marked a or c last minute. The ques I read was iphone was first manufactured by ans.APPLE.then one ques on array,one ques on binary conversion and another on Which of these is nt social networking sites. I prepared only from prev ques papers,for non-it branches,cut off ll be less so don?t worry abt this section. 1163 students appeared for apti,only 512 students cleared it. TECHNICAL INTERVIEW Many students were rejected in the tech interview.I was lucky that I was asked only from my Area of interest.
My interview was like this
ME: Good Afternoon sir.
INT: Hmmm,gv ur resume.
ME: Yes sir(I gav him)
INT: Uma I dn?t know anything abt u,can u tell me abt urself?
ME: I am Uma from ECE department.My aggregate is 76 %.All my academic details are given in my cv.I am an optimistic,organized ambitious and straight
forward person. i'm very much self-motivated.My hobbies are Painting,Numismatics,Reading novels,Embroidery,blogging and surfing the net.I do yoga regularly to be physically fit.
INT: Oh k,Ur area of interest is Microprocessor 8085,Can u draw the architecture of 8085?
ME: Yes sure sir.I don?t hv a pen can u gv me.He gave me pen n paper n I finished it
INT:Ok,Can u tell me abt interrupts.
ME:I told abt RST 5.5,RST6.5,RST7.5 n TRAP
INT: Tell me wat r they?
ME:RST 5.5 n RST 6.5 are level sensitive. RST 7.5 is edge triggering. TRAP is RST 4.5 n non-maskable interrupts Explained abt maskable n non-maskable interrupts. Then explained abt vectored n non-vectored interrupts. Then explained abt software and hardware interrupts.
INT: (he was impressed)He asked me do u hv any ques?
ME: I said no ques,thank u.
INT: What no ques huh?
ME: What is CMMilevel5 in Wipro?
INT: He explained me in detail.
ME: I asked some clarifications in between.
INT:Any other ques?
ME:Why six sigma is present only in wipro and nt in other companies.
INT:He explained me.
ME:I listened attentively n said ok.
INT:Any more ques.
ME:No sir,thank u.
INT:Ok,Fill this HR form uma.
ME:Thank u very much,Thank u very much sir.(I was very happy n excited) 512 students appeared for tech interview,only 253 students cleared the tech interview.Be cool n confident.U need to prepare a lot for this tech interview. HR INTERVIEW After completing the form,I submitted the form and was waiting for HR interview.Then my name was called.I went inside and interviewer asked me ? Take ur seat?
ME: Gud evening sir
INT: Gud evening uma,Tell me abt urself?
ME: told
INT: wht is ur father?
ME: told
INT: Why Sathyabama?
ME: told
INT: Did u try any other institutions other than sathyabama?
ME: no
ME: told
INT: Hw ll electronics contribute to software?
ME: I told abt microprocessor chips
INT: think beyond this?
ME: In wat exactly sir?
INT: Abt embedded systems
ME: told abt trends n applns
INT: Can u tell in commn?
ME: told abt wireless applns,WAN,LAN
INT: wht is roerich academy?(He saw my hr form)
ME: told
INT: do u any comp lang?
ME: yes sir,C,C++
INT: hw do learn? In coll or outside?
ME: In coll,during 1st sem,had c,3rd sem c++,5th sem data structures.am keeping a track of it through ebooks n library books.
INT:ok,here job is nt from 9 to 5 like other companies,it may get very late,hw do ur parents react to it?
ME: they r supportive,am also flexible n if I call them n tell am late they ll understand the situation.
INT: Why ur sem marks r in 70s whereas in skl u scored in 80s
ME: Sir in 3rd sem I secured nly 65% I was nt planned tht was my mistake n then gradually improved in other sems so der is no looking back.
INT: ok,any arrears,is dis ur 1st campus interview?
ME: no arrears,yes my 1st interview sir.
INT: k,do u know abt bond?r u comfortable?
ME: yes sir.
INT: gud uma.
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